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2014: A Year of Projects


I’m Sam Solomon. You likely know me from the longform interviews I do with designers, writers and entrepreneurs. By day I manage digital projects for casinos and by night I design, write and tinker.

Part of doing a year in review is for accountability. If I’ve written something down as a goal, it adds pressure to meet it. The other half of this is for you. Perhaps there is a mistake I made, or a flash of brilliance I had that you can apply to your own projects.

This year I did 12 interviews, wrote six posts (including this one), worked on five projects got promoted and started a newsletter at work.

2014 Project Review

Advertisers is my most recent project. It is a community for people that work in the marketing and advertising industry. I’ve learned a lot building the site—mainly that building a community is much more difficult than designing or developing one.

The site has about 50 members though only five or so contribute regularly. Content is an amalgamation of design, ad campaigns and growth. The comments to date have been flat and provided little insight. I’m considering rolling back the feature.

Gaining traffic has been an interesting exercise. I’m planning a press push early next year to get the project in front of people in advertising—I probably should finish polishing up those designs for my press kit this weekend. I’ll also try and get a mention in email lists for 4A’s, AIGA and other various ad associations. Additionally, I’ve Started building out a directory of advertising agencies in various cities. I was hoping that I’d get search traffic from people looking to join an agency or have agencies see the backlinks and discover the site. Neither of those appear to be working, but it is still too early to tell.

The downside is the advertising industry as a whole is struggling. In-house teams can do much of what agencies can do for a fraction the cost. Heavy consolidation is happening, and usually a sign of a stale market. larger players hedge against future competition by buying smaller players. Smaller players get out easy, because competing is too hard. Also, the ad industry is a revolving door. Businesses know that the talent is mostly replaceable.

There may be an opportunity for monetization. Should site traffic start growing, revenue from job postings is the clearest opportunity. Perhaps, agencies would pay to have a premium listing in the directory. The state of the industry doesn’t give me a lot of confidence that that agencies would pay for job postings. There’s also the opportunity for banner ads, but I’d be hesitant here.

What would have I done differently? A community like this is probably a step or two ahead of where I should be. Starting over again, I’d build a community around a weekly newsletter and blog first. List growth and link contributions would prove the desire for such a product.

How could this project benefit your company? I think this would be a perfect side project for an company in a fairly active vertical. From my interviews with Kelly Sutton and Mikael Cho, I know side projects can make a business.

Goals for next year: Attract 1,000 members and improve engagement.

Chmod Calculator is a Linux file permissions calculator and the best looking one on the internet as far as I’m concerned.

When I moved from shared hosting to a LEMP stack droplet on Digital Ocean, I had a whole lot to learn about system administration. Luckily, I’m pretty familiar with Unix commands, but I kept running into frustrating permissions errors. My reaction was to build something to help me quickly check myself.

How could this Chmod Caluclator make money? There’s probably a small amount of that can be made from advertising by ranking high on search results. This might be possible by writing a few entries about file permissions, and how they work. It would be difficult, because the search results are pretty competitive.

Goals for next year: Get the Chmod Calculator on page two of search engines.

The Wiry Wireframe Template is a tandem project I’ve been working on with my friend Chris Rowe. I admit. I haven’t pulled my weight on this project.

It’s not that I’ve fallen out of love with building an open source wireframe kit, but my other projects have detracted from it.

Goals for next year: My goal for Wiry in the near term is to move the project to GitHub. It’s an open source project that I will need versioning. I see no reason for it not to be there. The bigger goals are to finish my pack of updated elements, organize and name the layers—they’re a complete mess now—and add some example applications.

Icon Yard is a library of Creative Commons Zero icons (I’m a little embarrassed to link that). CC0 licensing means that anybody can use the icons for anything. It is one step removed from being in the public domain. My friend Henry Bayuzick and I worked on it together.

The initial vision was to build an Unsplash for icons. Unfortunately the site as it stands isn’t a good experience from a user or management standpoint. There are a bunch of broken links and issues on the user side and on the management side, it takes a huge amount of time to standardize and upload new icons.

My goal for the next year is to get the user-facing issues resolved. I’m afraid that the project may be in limbo for the time being. I simply cannot spend the time resizing, tagging and uploading icons.


I’m rather disappointed with the amount of writing I’ve done this year—six posts including this one. It is unacceptable, and I need to get back into a habit of writing regularly.

Earlier this year I wrote about my decision to remove social sharing buttons from Signal Tower. That post drew a lot of fire—from everywhere and eventually landed on the front page of Hacker News, Designer News and reddit. It’s a decision I still stick by, and I’m glad to see it’s helped influence other designers and developers. As I said in the article, if people really love your content, they’ll share it.

Following Google’s Panda 4.0 update several major suffered catastrophic losses in search rankings. This update was different, because major companies were hit. eBay lost 80 percent of its organic search rankings. Just a reminder, write for humans first.

I always tell people that the best way to learn is by working on side projects. This has been a year of side projects for me, and I’ve learned an incredible amount.

People tend to be surprised when they find out how old I am. I have a ton of experiences that helped form my somewhat eccentric opinions about education and entrepreneurship. I’ve bussed tables, built a startup and worked on others. I thought I’d expand on what I’ve learned from those jobs. Hint: the most important thing I learned was what I didn’t want to spend my life doing.


I’m a senior interactive producer for a casino advertising agency and get paid to build websites, games and applications. I got promoted after being with the company for a year. As a whole work has been slow. This year I was mostly focused on a few big projects—a series of games for the Hard Rock Casino in Tulsa and the Cherokee Casinos.

In March we started Red Square Gaming Insights, a monthly newsletter containing articles from our blog as well as interesting links we find on the internet. After several months we’re north of 500 subscribers. It’s been an interesting task considering most articles about casinos are dry as dust—mergers acquisitions and things everyone in the industry knows about. The goal has been to merge advertising, design and gaming to produce a better newsletter. I think we’ve done that. Here are a few highlight articles from this year.

We received a ton of non-gaming RFPs in November and December of this year. I’m already working on websites for two investment firms. Hopefully there will be more of an opportunity to branch out.

Future projects

Observatory is a concept for a Hacker-News-style space and science community. I’ve learned a ton building Advertisers. From the technical and design side of things I think I can do much better.

Fantasy sports is going to be an incredibly hot market in 2015. The rise of sites such as FanDuel and DraftKings has shown the opportunity. I’ve spent much of my break meeting with a couple others on building something in this space. The team is solid, the market is perfect I’m not sold on the idea yet. However, I tend to be a skeptic.

The post 2014: A Year of Projects appeared first on Sam Solomon.

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