For the last couple of years I’ve used a custom tool to track cheap flights out of Atlanta. Today I’ve made that tool, Aerodero, available to everyone.
Specifically, Aerodero is an aggregator for flight deals. There are about 15 sources that feed into Aerodero. Most of those are general flight deal blogs.
Those sources are filtered to see if they match one of the supported departure cities. If there is a match, the deal is posted to that city’s page. Anyone following that city will get an email (or browser notification) about the deal.
It’s not perfect, but Aerodero is an excellent tool for those who want to travel.
What kind of flight deals?
The types of deals that Aerodero surfaces vary. Some are pricing mistakes, while others are legitimate deals.
There’s nothing that’s going to get you in trouble though. You won’t have to open a bunch of credit cards or skip a connecting flight. If you’re skeptical, here are a few recent deals that have surfaced.
- $388 Atlanta to Amsterdam roundtrip (Usually $800)
- $187 Atlanta to San Francisco roundtrip (Usually $300)
- $292 Atlanta to Cancun roundtrip (Usually $700)
- $500 Atlanta to London roundtrip (Usually $1,200)
- $485 Atlanta to Prague roundtrip (Usually $1,200)
- $659 Atlanta to Taipei roundtrip (Usually $1,100)
- $271 Atlanta to Costa Rica roundtrip (Usually $600)
This all sounds great if you live in Atlanta, but what about other departure cities?
The good news is that it’s easy to add more cities. I experimented tracking departures from New York and Los Angeles. The problem is they both do a ton of volume and there aren’t a lot of people (so far) subscribing to those cities.
I’d much rather serve cities of members. So I’ve hit the pause button for now. If you’d like me to turn those feeds back on or want me to add another city, I’d encourage you to fill out the survey posted in the departure cities to add thread.
How to get notified about cheap flights
Go to Aerodero and sign up. It’s the purple button in the top-right corner.
Deals are categorized by city. Select your city and begin watching topics for that city.

Whenever a new deal is found, you’ll receive an email like this. Additionally you can enable browser notifications.

If you have questions about signing up, I’ve got a more detailed post on Aerodero—helpful gifs included.
What’s next?
Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe add more departure cities?
I hope there’s enough interest in this tool keep working on it. Like Product Dork, the site is built on Discourse—so there’s the opportunity for it to become some sort of community.
Right now it’s just a cool tool for friends. Enjoy!
The post Aerodero: A Tool to Track Cheap Flights appeared first on Sam Solomon.