I’m Joining Salesloft
Some of you already know, but Monday I’m going to be joining Salesloft as a product designer. From this point forward I will no longer be contributing to Trustfuel. Just as with SidePrize, my departure...
View ArticleReview: Breville Boss To Go Blender
The Breville Boss To Go is a sleek, powerful personal blender with a die-cast metal driveshaft. It easily liquifies leafy greens and finely grinds seeds. Perhaps it is just me, but as a category there...
View ArticleReview: Moto G5s Plus
I have spent the last month with the Moto G5s Plus and can say that it is an exceptional phone. It’s fast, has a decent camera and the best battery life of any smartphone I’ve seen. The phone has it’s...
View ArticleBook Review: 1984 by George Orwell
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. It had been a long time since I had read either of these books. Considering how much I reference them, I figured it was time to give them...
View ArticleUsing Toggles in User Interfaces
Popularized by iOS settings, the toggle—or switch—has become pervasive in applications everywhere. Toggles save space by controlling two mutually exclusive options with a single element. It seems like...
View ArticleTwenty Seventeen
Around the holidays I start putting together my yearly review. These reviews are ways for me to reflect on how the year went. It gives me a chance to talk about what I made, what I learned and where I...
View ArticleCourse Notes: The Skeptic’s Guide to American History
By nature I’m a skeptic. Many people try to apply labels to complex topics that are not black and white. Search for any article about geopolitics, gun rights or abortion and you’ll find black and white...
View ArticleTeam Badge Design: License to Trill
Once a quarter SalesLoft sets aside a few of days for the product and engineering teams to work on whatever they want. Usually, I’ll join an engineering project that needs a designer. But for our most...
View ArticleHow to setup Discourse on DigitalOcean
I‘ve spent a good portion of my evenings during the last two weeks working with a piece of community software called Discourse. I’ve installed it, removed it and reinstalled it about a dozen times....
View ArticleA Brief History of Clip Art
This talk covering the history of clip art was originally given on July 16, 2018 at SalesLoft. This article is an adaptation of my presentation. If you were in school during the 90s or early 2000s,...
View ArticleTwenty Eighteen
Welcome to my 2018 annual review. This review is an opportunity to talk about what I made, what I learned and where I failed. It provides a way for me reflect on the year. Each review is a benchmark of...
View ArticleAerodero: A Tool to Track Cheap Flights
For the last couple of years I’ve used a custom tool to track cheap flights out of Atlanta. Today I’ve made that tool, Aerodero, available to everyone. Specifically, Aerodero is an aggregator for...
View ArticleHow to Organize Your Sketch Color Palette
Organizing colors in Sketch is a giant pain. Nothing lines up, everything overlaps. Unless your color system has exactly eight variants for each base color, you’ve probably felt this pain as well. If...
View ArticleSketch Shortcuts
This talk about common Sketch shortcuts was originally given on August 19, 2018 at SalesLoft. This article is an adaptation of my presentation. As a designer, I would encourage you to become adept at...
View ArticleBetter Markdown in Visual Studio Code
This entire post was written using Markdown in Visual Studio Code. That may seem a bit ridiculous. However, with a few tweaks VS Code can become an excellent tool for writing. Writing in VS Code...
View ArticleTwenty Nineteen
As the New Year draws closer I like to reflect on the past year. Around this time I publish a few thoughts on what I made, what worked and what didn’t. These annual reviews allow me to take inventory...
View ArticleTwenty Twenty
What a wild year 2020 has been. Even those of us that were closely monitoring the pandemic had no idea how it would change things. This year has been difficult, but I know I am fortunate. My wonderful...
View ArticleSalesloft Icon Fundamentals
This presentation on icon fundamentals was given to Salesloft’s Product Design team on May 24, 2021. Shortly before the new icon set shipped. This post is an adaptation of that presentation. Usage...
View ArticlePause Cadences
Cadences are at the core of what makes Salesloft such a fantastic tool. It is a workflow that groups like tasks together to reduce context switching. Because of this reps can spend more time...
View ArticleLEAD Capstone
About LEAD Leadership Exploration, Application and Development—or LEAD as it’s known—is a 6-month leadership course offered by Salesloft. It is available for managers as well as senior-level ICs. I...
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